That upon Mr Charles Carrolls Entering upon the Execu-
tion of that Commission His Excellency had required him to
record it in the Secretary's Office And seeing that It was a
publick Trust or Employment had tendered him the Oaths
appointed instead of the Oaths of Allegiance & Supremacy
And also the Oath of Abjuration according to the Directions
of the Act of Assembly of this Province Which the sd Mr Carroll
refused to take
Notwithstanding which he proceeded to receive the afd Fines
His Excellency produced the following Minute of tendring
the said Oaths to Mr Carrol which was ordered to be Entered
in this days proceedings And is as follows Viz.
Annapolis July the xoth 1716
That Charles Carrol Esqr appeared before his Excellency
the Governour this Day and produced a Commission from
the Right Honble the Lord Proprietary & his Guardian for
Several Purposes Which His Excellency the Governour appre-
hending to relate to the Government of this Province and
especially as to his being Naval Officer, & Receiving the
Fines & Forfeitures falling in the Several Courts of this
Province, His Excellency was pleased to tell Mr Carrol that
if he Executed that Commission as to the afd Particulars
relating to the publick He ought to take the Oaths of Allegi-
ance to his Majesty and the Oath appointed by the fifth of