By his Excellcy the Governr and upper house of Assembly
Apll 24th 1716.
Upon reading your written Message by Coll Hoskins and
others His Excellcy the Governor is pleased to say that he has
not reced Judiciall notice of the death of the Right Honble the
Lord Propriary nor any from his Guardian of what Steps the
present Sessions of Parliament in Great Brittaine have made
towards his most Sacred Majestyes reassuming the Proprietary
Government in America.
But since it is the request of your house that the Assembly
should be prorogued to some further time therefore to p'vent
any Inconveniency that may arise from the uncertainty you
seeme to be in upon the above Reports, and so frustrate the
good Intention of the meeting of this Assembly and put the
Country to an unnecessary charge, His Excellcy with the
Advice of his Council will prorogue this Assembly to a
further and proper time.
Signed p Ordr W Bladen Cl Upp ho.
Coll Coursey and Coll Addison from the Upper house
acquaint Mr Speaker that his Excellcy Comands him and the
house Imediately to attend him in the upper house.
Mr Speaker and the house repaired to the Upper house
where his Excellcy was pleased to acquaint them that on
behalfe of the Lord Propry he with the Advice of the Honble
Council thought fitt to prorogue and did prorogue this Assem-
bly to Tuesday the Seventeenth day of July next to which
time they were accordingly prorogued
Then Mr Speaker with the house returned and Mr Speaker
resuming the Chair Reported the said Prorogation. To which
time Mr Speaker adjourned the House.
Tho Macnemara Clk of the Lower house.