them to returne to their own house Imediately to make Choice
of a Speaker.
After which the said members returned and there unani-
mously made choice of Coll Mathew Tilghman Ward a mem-
ber returned to serve as a Delegate for Talbott County for
their Speaker who in his place disabled him selfe to undergoe
soe weighty a Charge and Earnestly desired them to proceed
to a new Choice which being denyed and he placed in the
Chair —
Then he prayed they might give him leave to disable
himselfe to his Excellency.
After which Coll Phillip Hoskins and Capt Codd are sent
to acquaint his Excellny that the Delegates have made Choice
of their Speaker and to know when his Excellency will have
him presented for approbation
They returne and Say they acquainted his Excellency
Whereupon Lt Coll Young and Coll Addison from the
upper house acquaint the Delegates that his Excellny Comands
them to prsent their Speaker before him in the upper house.
Whereupon the house repaired to his Excellcy as aforesaid
and prsented Coll Mathew Tilghman Ward for their Speaker
to his Excellcy the Governor where the said Mr Speaker decently
and Submissively addressing himselfe to his Excellcy offered
severall reasons disabling him from Serving in that Station,
and therefore made humble Suit to his Excellency to be dis-
charged, and that his Excellcy will be pleased to Comand the
Delegates to make choice of an abler person which Excuses
his Excellny would noe ways admitt of, being well Satisfied of