Maryland ss.
Att a Sessions of Assembly begun and held att the Citty of
Annapolis the Twenty third day of Aprill in the ffirst year of
the Dominion of the Right Honable Charles Absolute Lord
and Proprietary of the Provinces of Maryland and Avalon
Lord Baron of Baltemore &c in and over this his Lordships
Province of Maryland Annoq Dei Seventeene hundred and
Sixteene by virtue of his Lordship's writts of Election directed
to the Severall and respective Sherriffs of this Province and to
the Mayor Recorder and Aldermen of the Citty of Annapolis
requireing the Sherriffs to Sufnons and call together the ffree
holders of the Respective Countys to Choose four Deputyes
or Delegates to Serve as Representatives for the said Severall
Countys, and the sd Mayor Recorder and Aldermen to Elect
and Choose by the voice of the ffreeholders and ffreemen of
the said Citty duly qualified two Cittizens to Serve as Repre-
sentatives for the said Citty in this prsent Generall Assembly
which Writts bear Teste the Sixteenth day of ffebruary Last
past returnable to the said Twenty third day of Aprill, from
which said Twenty third day of Aprill aforesaid the aforesaid
Assembly was Prorogued by vertue of his said Lordships writt
of Prorogation bearing date the Twenty ffirst day of Aprill
aforesaid to the Twenty fourth day of Aprill aforesaid to be
held att the Citty of Annapolis aforesaid on which said Twenty
fourth day of Aprill aforesd assembled in the Court house
comonly called the Stadt house in the Citty of Annapolis
aforesaid in the County of Ann Arundell the Severall members
following of the Lower House, Viz.
Lib. R. U.
p. 135