Ascertaining the Manner of paying the Alienation fines and
Quit rents to the Lord propry of this province on the Con-
ditions therein mentioned.
Forasmuch as the Laws heretofore made for Ascertaining
the gage of Tobo hhds have in great Measure proved Ineffec-
tuall Either for want of Laying Sufficient penalties upon the
Offenders or of proper Methods to Inflict them but more
Especially itt seemes to this present Genll Assembly by require-
ing a Compliance with such a gauge as has been found by
Experience to tend to the ruin of such Traders as were Strict
observers of it the Generality of our Tobo being of soe Light
and Chaffie a Nature that it has been found wholy Impractica-
ble and in a Manner Impossible to pack or prize soe much of
itt in a hogshead of the Late gauge of thirty Inches in the
Diameter of the head as would suffice for the paymt of freight
and other Charges ariseing thereon the freighters of such
small hogsheads having been frequently brought in debt by
the smallness of the Quantity of Tobo contained therein to the
great Damage of the Tobo Trade particularly of the fair
Traders therein which seemes in a Manner to have brought
the Latest of the Aforementioned Laws allmost into a Genl
Contempt itt being rather more Mischievous to the ffreighters
to be brought in Debt by their Strict observance of that gauge