Judge giving such Sentence and within fifteen days more pro-
cure an Examinacon thereof by a Court of Delegates nor in
the mean time Comply with the Sentence of the said Judge
itt being sent to them under the hand and Scale of the said
Judge nor give in security to performe the same and oath
made of the refusall thereof It shall and may be Lawfull to
and for the said Judge to Issue forth of the said Office
Under his hand and Scale an Attachmt against the bodys
goods or Chattells of the said persons soe refuseing and
him or them to Imprison or his or their goods Chat-
tells or Creditts to attach untill he or they Satisfie or Comply
with the said Sentence. And whereas orphans and Cred-
ittors are many times Injured by the Low Appraismts and
Undervalueing of the Estates of the Deceased, Therefore —
Be itt Enacted by the Authurity af'd by and with the Advice
and Consent afd that when any Exr or admr doth appraise the