342 Assembly Proceedings, April 26- June 3, 1715.
C. P.
Act required of them to Doe and performe being thereunto
Demanded shall forfeit the sume of five hundred pounds of
Tobo Each one halfe thereof to our Sovereigne Lord the King
his heirs and Successors for the Use of the orphan or orphans
therein Concerned the other halfe to the Informer or him or
them that shall sue for the same to be recovered in any Court
of Record in this province of all and Every such person that
shall soe as afd refuse or Neglect to performe what is by this
Act required.
And whereas it has been doubted whether in Valuing or
Estimateing the said orphans Lands and plantations in this
Act mentioned the Quit rents to the Lord of the same are not
to be Considered and allowed for as well as reparations and
other things in this Act Mentioned
It is hereby further Enacted and Declared that the said
Quit rents Ought and are hereby declared and Enjoyned to
be Considered Deducted & Allowed upon the yearly Value
of the said Land and the Guardian pay the same. And that
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Any Guardian afd that shall Neglect after such allowance made
of the same in the Value of the said Land and hath not paid
such Quit rents as afd shall forfeit to the orphan when at age
four fold the Value of such rents that he left in Arrears att
the full age of such Orphan to be recovered by Action of Debt
bill plaint or Information Wherein no Essoyne protection or
wager of Law to be Allowed.
And be itt further Enacted by the Authority afd by and with
the Advice and Consent afd that the Commissrs of Each County
Court within this province by Virtue of this Act shall have
power from time to time and att all times hereafter upon
presentment of the orphan Jury or other Information given
to them of such Sale waste or Destruction made done or
Comitted upon any orphans reall Estate by any such Guardian
to Issue their warrant and Cause such Guardian to appear
before them in the County Court And if upon Examination
thereof the said Information be sufficiently proved that the
said Guardian shall Answer the Damage of such waste by him
Comitted Contrary to this Law to such orphans when att age
and the said Commissrs shall require such Guardian or Guar-
dians to give Sufficient Security to make Satisfaction to the
said orphan or orphans when att age as afd and upon refusall
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thereof the said orphan or orphans (if at age to Choose his or
their Guardians) shall Elect his or their Guardian or Guardians
and if not att age to make such Election such other person or
persons shall be appointed as the Commissioners of the
County Court where the said Land Lyes shall think meet
which said Guardian or Guardians or other person or persons