Maintaine and Educate them for the Increase of the small
Estate they have without and Diminution of the principall
which shall always be delivered to the Orphans at the years
hereafter in this Act Limitted and Appointed then such Kins-
man relation or other Charitable person is thereby Obliged
to performe what is by this Law before Injoyned and to be
Ascertained by the County Courts.
Provided always that where any person being a protestant
that shall dye and Leave a widow and Children and such
widow shall Intermarry wth any person of the Romish
Comunion or be herselfe of that Opinion and profession itt
shall and may be Lawfull for his Majesties Governr and Coun-
cill within this province upon Application to them made to
remove such Child or Children out of the Custody of such
parents and place them where they may be Securely Educated