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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, April 26, 1715-August 10, 1716
Volume 30, Page 321   View pdf image
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Acts. 321


same that in all such Cases wherein the reall debt or Damage
doth not Exceed four hundred pounds of Tobo or thirty three
Shillings & four pence in money it shall and may be Lawfull
for any one Justice of the peace of Each respective County

C P.

wherein the Debtor doth reside to try hear and Determine
the Matter of Controversy between the Credittor and Debtor
and upon full hearing of the Allegations of both parties shall
give Judgment Accordingly and if need be Charge the Con-
stable with the body of the Debtor in Execution who is hereby
obliged and Impowered to Carry the person soe Comitted to
the Sher of the County together with a Certificate or Mitti-
mus from such Justice wherein shall be Certifyed the Debt &
Cost whereof such person shall be Convict by him to be Safely
kept untill Satisfaction or other end thereof — Or otherwise
that such Justice shall Award Execution on such his Judgmt
Directed to the Sher of the County by warrt or Mittimus in
the nature of a Capias ad Satisfaciendum fieri facias or other-
wise. And that in Case upon the return of any warrant or
any Complaint Issued by Any Such Justice itt shall appear
that the person against whome it shall Issue is not found itt
shall and may be Lawfull for the Credittor to proceed in the
Sevll and respective County Courts for obtaining an Attach-
ment according to the Directions of the Act for Sueing out
Attachments in this province and Limitting the Extent of them
agt the goods Chattells and Creditts of such persons for any

p. 197

sume Exceeding two hundred pounds of Tobo or Sixteen
Shillings and Eight pence in money any thing in this Act for
the better Adminisrn of Justice in the Sevll Courts of this
province and for Speedy recovery of Debts &c or any other
Law to the Contrary notwithstanding.

p. 198

An Act prohibiting all Masters of Ships or Vessells or any
other persons from transporting or Conveying away any
person or persons out of this province without passes.

Be itt Enacted by the Kings most Excellent Majesty by and
with the Advice and Const of his Majesties Governt Councill
and Assembly of this province and the Authority of the same
that from and after the publication hereof any pson or psons
whatsoevr Intending to Depart this province shall first give
notice of his her or their Intended Departure by setting up
his her or their Name or Names att the Secretaries Office of
this province and alsoe att the door of the Court house of the
County where such person resides att the time of Setting up
such name as afd the full Space of three months that if in the
time afd no person shall underwrite the said person or persons


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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, April 26, 1715-August 10, 1716
Volume 30, Page 321   View pdf image
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