And be itt further Enacted that if any Debtor or Debtors
be Sued by any Credittor or Credittors for any sume or
Sumes of Mony or Tobo due upon the Debtors Assumption or
due by bill or bond under the hand and Scale of the said
Debtor and the Debtor Confess the Assumption or such part
thereof as he shall think fitt to plead discount to and Acknowl-
edge his Act or Deed but saith further that he hath an Account
of his Own against the Credittor that hath arisen due to the
Debtor since the passing such bill or bond or after such
Assumption as afd which he desires may be Discounted —
It shall and may be Lawfull for the Justices before whom
such Matter shall be Depending upon good proofe made of
such acct to Cause the same Altho of a Lessor Inferior nature
to be discounted in Court and give Judgment thereupon