At the Council in Assembly held at the City of Annapolis
in Ann Arundel County the twenty Sixth day of April in the
first year of the Reign of our Sovereign Lord King George
of Great Brittain France & Ireland King Defender of the
Faith &c Annoq Domini 1715
His Excellency John Hart Esqr his Majesty's Capt Genl &
Governour in chief of this his Province
Edward Lloyd Esqr Col Thos Addison
Col Wm Holland Col Wm Whittington
The Honble - Col Wm Coursey and
Lt Col Saml Young Lt Col Richard Tilghman
This being the day appointed for the meeting of the Gen-
eral Assembly of this province according to the Writts of
Election issued to the several Countys and City of Annapolis
for Electing & choosing Delegates and Representatives to
serve in this Assembly
The above named members of his Majesty's Council made
their Appearance in the Council Chamber
And the honble Col Thos En nails being very sick and in-
disposed his Absence at his request is Excused