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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, April 26, 1715-August 10, 1716
Volume 30, Page 289   View pdf image
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Acts. 289


and Sleep or Excessively beat and Abuse them or shall give
them above Ten Lashes for any one Offence the same being
sufficiently proved before the Justices of the County Courts the
said Justices have hereby full power and Authority for the first
and second Offence to Levy such fine upon such Offender as

C. P.

to them shall seeme meet not Exceeding one thousand pounds
of Tobo to the Use of his Majty his heirs and successors for
the Support of Government and for the third Offence to sett
such Servant soe wronged att Liberty and ffree from Servitude.
But in Case the Master or Owner of any such Servant shall
think that he or they Deserves a greater Correction then the
said Master or Owner of such Servant or Servants shall or
may Carry them before any Justice of the Peace who hearing
the Complaint shall order such Correction as he shall think
fitt not Exceeding thirty nine Lashes for any one Offence.
And be itt alsoe Enacted by the Authority afd that all
Negroes and other Slaves Already Imported or hereafter to
be Imported in this province and all Children now born or
hereafter to be born of such Negroes and Slaves shall be
Slaves dureing their naturall lives.
And for as much as many people have Neglected to baptize
their Negroes or Suffer them to be baptized on a Vain Ap-
prehension that Negroes by receiving the Sacrament of Bap-
tism are Manumitted and sett ffree,
Be itt hereby further Declared and Enacted by and with
the Authority Advice and Consent afd that no Negroe or Ne-
groes by receiving the holy Sacrament of Baptism is hereby
Manumitted or sett free nor hath any right or title to freedom

p. 133

or Manumission more then he or they had before any Law
usage or Custome to the Contrary Notwithstanding.
And be itt further Enacted that all Ministers pastors and
Magistrates or other persons whatsoever who According to
the Laws of this province doe Usually Joyne people in
Maryage shall not upon any pretence Joyne in Maryage Any
Negroe whatsoever or Molatto Slave with any white person
on the penalty of five thousand pounds of Tobo the one halfe
to his Majesty his heirs and Successors for the Use of ffree
schools the other halfe to the Informer or him or them that
shall sue for the same to be recovered in any Court of Record
of this province by Action of Debt bill plaint or Informa-
tion wherein no Essoyne protection or Wager of Law to be

And be itt further Enacted by the Authority afd that any
white woman whether ffree or a Servant that shall Suffer her-
selfe to be got with Child by a negroe or other Slave or ffree
negroe such woman soe begott with Child as afd if ffree shall


p. 134

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, April 26, 1715-August 10, 1716
Volume 30, Page 289   View pdf image
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