ior mure of them upunComplaint made by Any person touch-
ing any Difference or Dispute Concerning the bounds or
Limitts of any tract or tracts of Land or part or parcell of
any Tract or Tracts of Land Lying and being within their
respective Counties shall Appoint a Certaine day or days on
which the said Commissioners or any three of them att the
Least not being any wise related to Either Complainant or
Defendant either by Consanguinity or Affinity or any ways
Interested in such Dispute Unless by Mutuall Consent of both
the said parties shall goe upon the Land in Dispute and View
and Consider the premisses. And for the better Enableing
the said Commissrs to proceed with Effect in the said Causes,
Be itt further Enacted by the Authority afd that upon a
petition or Complaint made to the said Commissioners in
writing by any person or persons any ways Concerned in such
Disputable bounds that itt shall and may be Lawfull for any
one of the said Commissioners to grant sumons in writeing
to be Directed to the party or parties therein mentioned and
also to any witness and witnesses or his Majestys Surveyor