Offence shall be Comitted the respective sumes herein after
mentioned that is to say the first oath or Curse two shil and
six pence and for Every Oath or Curse after the first five
shillings Currt mony.
And itt is hereby Further Enacted that upon Neglect or
refusall of Payment of the said fforfeiture in mony or Goods
to the Vallue thereof any Magistrate the Commissary Genll
Secretary provinciall or County Clerk sher Coroner Constable
or the Minister of a Parish any Vestrymen or Church warden
shall and are hereby Authorized and required to Committ the
said Offender to the Stocks for the Space of one hour for
Every Oath or Curse not Exceeding three hours att any one
time of Conviction or punishment or order him her or them
punishment by whipping not Exceeding five Lashes for any
one oath or Curse nor thirty nine att any one time of Con-
viction or punishmt And if occasion be to call or Command
assistance in the executing the same in the same Manner as
any Sher. or Constable might or ought to doe in other Cases
of Contemning his Majesties process or Authority and in Case
such punishment shall be awarded by any the psons afd Except
the Sher. or Constable afd it shall and may be Lawfull for such
person to appoint any pson (who shall not be in Authority or
have any Just Exemption) as a Constable on such speciall