232 Assembly Proceedings, April 26-June 3, 1715.
C. P.
with the Advice and Const of his Majestys Governt Councill
and Assembly of this province and the Authority of the same
that from hence forward all the Acts that shall pass from this
and all the Succeeding Assemblys shall be from time to time
fairly Transcribed on parchmt and for want thereof on good
paper with a parchmt Cover and by writt under the great Scale
of this province from time to time by the Keeper of the Scale
for the time being to the Sher of Each respective County shall
be transmitted and commandmt to them in the said writt shall
be given the said Acts in the Sevll and respective Countys att
their next County Court to publish and proclaime firmly to be
Observed and kept and Lodged with the Clerk of Each
respective Court for the use thereof.
And be it further Enacted by the Authority afd that Every
Sevll and respective County shall from time to time pay to the
Chancellor for the time being for such Transcript of the Laws
so much Tobo as by the said Genll Assembly in which the said
p. 18
Laws are made shall be Assessed and Allowed — Provided al-
ways that because there is noe Parchment now to be had in
the Province for Transcribeing the Laws of this present Ses-
sions to be sent to the Counties that for this Sessions only
good Paper shall be Accepted to transcribe the Sevll Laws
And be itt further Enacted by the Authority afd by and with
the Advice and Consent afd that all the Acts of Assembly
which shall be Enacted this present Sessions and all the Suc-
ceeding Sessions of Assembly shall within ten days after the
End of Each Sessions be transmitted into the Secretaries
Office and the Secretary for the time being shall upon receipt
of the said Acts into his Office cause the said Acts to be En-
tred upon Record in a Very fair Legible hand and in a Good
Substantiall book bound with Leather or parchment Cover
with Large Margins and also Alphabett the said book in good
Order and Affix the scale of his Office thereto and the Clerk
or Clerks that doe record the said Acts shall make oath before
the Governr of this province for the time being or before one
of his Majestys Councill or two of the Justices of the Provinciall
Court that he or they have Carefully Examined the records
p. 19
of the said Acts by the Originall Acts which have passed the
Great Scale all which shall be Done within Six months Suc-
cessively after the End of Each Session.
And in Case the Secretary shall not pursue the Directions
of this Act but shall make Default he shall forfeit the Sume
of ten thousand pounds of Tobo for every such Neglect the
one halfe to his Majty his heirs and Successors for the Support
of the Government of this province and the Other halfe to the