of Assault Menaces Battery wounding and Imprisonment or
any of them shall be sued or brought by any pson or psons
within this province at any time after the end of this present
sessions of Assembly shall be Comenced or sued within the
Time and Limittation hereafter Expressed and not after (that
is to say the said Actions of Account and the said Actions
upon the Case upon Simple Contract book Debt or Acct and
the said Actions for Debt Detinue or replevin for goods and
Chattells and the said Actions for tresspass Quare Clausum
fregit within three years Ensueing the Cause of such Action
and not after And the said Actions of the Case for words
and Actions of Tresspass of Assault battery wounding and
Imprisonmt or Any of them within one year from the time of
the Cause of such Action Accrueing and not after)
And be itt further Enacted by the Authority afd that if any
Person Entituled to any the Action or Actions afd shall be at
the time of any such Cause of Action Accrueing within the
age of One and twenty years feme Covert non Compos
mentis Imprisoned or beyond the Seas that then such pson