shall not pay for the same any other Fee or Reward than for
one Writ; and shall and may, at his Election, Declare against
such Defendants in one or more Declarations as he shall
think fit; any Law, Statute, Usage, or Custom, to the contrary
VII. And be it further Enacted, by the Authority, Advice
and Consent aforesaid. That it shall and may be lawful to and
for the Defendant, in any Writ issued, or to be issued out of
the Provincial Court, after Arrest, and Bail given to the Sheriff
for his Appearance, and before the Return of such Writ, to
go before the President, or any Two Justices of the County
Court, where such Defendant shall be Arrested, with two
sufficient Free-holders, such as the Justice or Justices, before
whom such Defendant shall go, shall approve of; and then
and there give Special Bail to any Action, by virtue of such
Writ: Which Bail, so taken, shall be delivered to the Sheriff
of such County where the same is taken, to be by him returned
with such Writ to the Provincial Court. And the said Bail
so taken and returned to the Provincial Court with such
Writ, shall be as sufficient as if taken before the President of
the County Court, after the Return of the Writ, and Appear-
ance entered, according to the Directions of the Act of Assem-
bly For taking Special Bail in the County; nor shall such
Defendant be obliged to appear in proper Person, but by his
Attorney, if he sees fit; any thing in the said Act, or any Law,
Statute, Use, or Custom, to the contrary notwithstanding.
VIII. Provided always, That this Act, or any Thing therein
contained, shall not extend to the Benefit or Advantage of any
Persons that shall abscond or fly (rom Justice in the County
where they live; but that such Persons may be Arrested in
any County where ever they be to be found.
IX. This Act to endure, from and after this Session of
Assembly, for and during the End of Three Years, and to the
End of the next Session of Assembly after the Three Years.
Reverdy Ghiselin
Thomas Bacon.
p. 78(1)
An Act for Settling a Revenue on Her Majesty's present
Whereas Her most Sacred Majesty, out of Her Royal
Bounty and Princely Favour, has been pleased to constitute
and appoint his Excellency John Hart Esq: Her Captain
General and Chief Governor in and over this Her Province
of Maryland, to whom we, Her Majesty's most Loyal Sub-
jects, yield all due Obedience, as by Her Royal Commission