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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, October 25, 1711-October 19, 1714
Volume 29, Page 417   View pdf image (33K)
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The Lower House. 4 1 7

mendation to the Honble the House of Delegates to insert in
the said Act the Clause that was in the former for allowing of
Attorneys in the County Courts 20 lb of Tobo in all Actions
where the Demand exceeds£io or 2000lb of Tobo Therefore
he prays your Excy and Honours to admit him before this
Honble Board to offer his said Reasons. And he shall pray &ta

With the following Endorsement Viz.

July the first 1714.

Upon reading this Petition his Excy and this Board do
recommend That the Clause in the Petition mentioned relating
to the Attorneys Fees be inserted in the Bill now before the
Signed p Order W Bladen Cl. Conl.

Whereupon the Question was put whether the said Clause
shall be inserted It is Resolved in the Negative by Majority
of Votes.
The Complaint and Depositions about the embezling of the
Magazine — Captain Philemon Hemsley and Mary his wife — is
referred to the Consideration of the next Sessions of Assem-
bly to be had thereon the first week thereof &c and then the
said Philemon Hemsley and Mary his wife are to lay before
this House an Account of what Arms and Ammunition were
lodged in Colo Contee's Hands for the use of the Public and
how the same is disposed of; and it is ordered they be served
with a Copy hereof
Signed p Order Tho. Macnemara Cl. Ho. Del.

A Bill for reconciling Differences in Relation to the Bounds
of Land within this Province and for settling the Bounds
thereof. Read the Ist and 2nd Time by especial Order and
ordered to be endorsed thus Viz.

L. H. J.

Lib. 41

By the House of Delegates
July Ist 1714.

Read the Ist and 2nd Time by especial Order and will pass.
Signed p Order Tho. Macnemara Cl. Ho. Del.

Sent up by Mr Tyler, Mr Stoddart Major Woolford, Capt
Codd, Capt. Trippe, Captain Colegate, Capt. Greenfield and
Mr Wm Whittington Junr to the Honble Council in Assembly.
They return and say they delivered the same

p. 452

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, October 25, 1711-October 19, 1714
Volume 29, Page 417   View pdf image (33K)
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