make Choice of Thomas Macnemara as Clerk of this House
and humbly pray his Excellency's Approbation of him and
that he may be qualified by taking the usual Oaths
Ordered that Colo Hoskins and Mr Tyler acquaint his Ex-
cellency the Governor therewith
They return and say they delivered their Message.
The Honourable Philemon Lloyd Esquire and Colo Richard
Tilghman from the Honourable Council entred the House and
acquainted the Speaker that his Excellency commands him
and the House to attend him immediately in the Council
The House having waited on his Excellency in the Council
Chamber return and say his Excellency was pleased to make
the following Speech Viz.
Gentlemen of the Assembly
The Province of Maryland depending entirely upon Trade
it will naturally fall under your Consideration to support and
improve it by reviving those good Laws which are already
made and by proposing such others as may encourage the in-
dustrious Planter to recover those great Losses which he has
sustained during the long Course of a consuming War, The
sad Effects of which are but too obvious in the Ruin of many
Families of this Province and has sensibly affected the Fortunes
of much the greatest Number of it's Inhabitants. But Thanks
be to God the pious Endeavours of our most excellent Queen
and the indefatigable Labour of her wise Ministry are blessed
with the Conclusion of a happy Peace. Your Ships are now
no more exposed to the Rapine of a foreign Enemy, your
Trade is free and open, so that if you are not wanting to your-
selves you have a fair Occasion of restoring this Province to
it's former flourishing Condition under the Influence of her
Majesty's auspicious Government and the Directions of her
Ministry zealously disposed to cultivate the Arts of Peace.
Nor shall any Thing be omitted on my Part with the Blessing
of Providence which may contribute to the Welfare and In-
terest of the Province whilst I have the Honour to remain in
this Station which I owe to her Majesty's Royal Bounty.
Gentlemen, I am commanded by her Majesty to lay several
Instructions before you relating to the good Government of
this Province which I have committed to writing and will send
down to your House for your Perusal.
Colo Edward Lloyd, Colo Wm Holland, Colo Wm Coursey,
Colo Thomas Addison, Philemon Lloyd Esqr and Colo Richard