County Court, wherein the disputable Bounds of such Parish
is contained, or the major Part of them, shall determine the
same; and cause such their Determination to be entered in
the Records of their County Court as aforesaid.
IV. And whereas it appears to this General Assembly, that
there is not as yet any Provision made by any Law of this
Province, when, or after what Manner the Forty Pounds of
Tobacco per Poll shall become due, and payable to the Minis-
ters or Incumbents of the several Parishes within this Province ;
which, heretofore, hath been the Occasion of many Disputes;
Be it therefore Enacted by the Authority, Advice and Consent
aforesaid, That when any Minister shall, at any Time here-
after, be lawfully admitted or inducted into any Parish within
this Province, he shall not (by virtue of such his Admission or
Induction) have, demand, or receive, from the Vestry of such
Parish, the whole Forty Pounds of Tobacco per Poll for that
Year in which he is admitted or inducted; but only such pro-
portionable Part of the same as shall be found to be his Due,
computing the Time from the Day of his Induction, to the
Time of laying the next Levy for the County in which his
Parish lies. And when it shall so happen that any Minister
or Incumbent who hath been a Resident in any Parish within
this Province, shall die, or remove out of his Parish, then
and in such Cases, the Vestry of that Parish wherein he was
Incumbent, shall, at the Time of the Laying the next Levy for
their County, pay to such Minister if he be alive, or to his
Executors or Administrators if he be dead, such proportiona-
ble Part of the Forty Pounds of Tobacco per Poll, as shall be
due to him for such Part of the Year as he continued in the
said Parish, computing the same from the Time of the Laying
the last Levy for the said County, until the Time of such his
Death or Removal. And if any Minister or Incumbent, that
shall at any Time hereafter be admitted or inducted into any
Parish within this Province, shall die, or remove again out of
the same, before any Levy be laid in that County where the
said Parish lies; then, the Vestry of the said Parish, shall, at
the Time of the Laying the next Levy in their County, pay to
such Minister if he be alive, to his Executors or Administrators
if he be dead, so much of the Forty Pounds of Tobacco per
Poll, as shall be due to him, computing the same from the
Time of his Admission or Induction, to the Time of his
Death, or Removal, and no more; any Law, Statute, or Cus-
tom, to the contrary notwithstanding.
Reverdy Ghiselin
Thomas Bacon.