Notwithstanding we are assured what we have addressed
your Honours to remedy is our just Right and worthy your
Consideration We are willing at present to wave any further
Debate about it and therefore have sent the Bill for assessing
the publick Levy for your Assent
Signed p Order R Dallam Cl Ho Del.
The afd Col Low and the other members delivered the afd
Bill for paymt & Assessmt of the publick Levy Assented to by
the House of Delegates
Which was read & assented to by this Board and returned
to the House by Col Holland & three other members of this
Memdm Col Whittington represents that the Person who
looks after the Alarm Gun in Somersett County & two Horse-
men and one other Person who keeps Look out on the Eastern
Sea may be payed for their Services. Which this Board thinks
reasonable and if Col Whittington be pleased to see them
Satisfied This Board will recommend it to the next Session of
Assembly to refund his Honour
Lt Col Gale & Mr Bordley came to acquaint the honble
Presidt that the House waited his Commands.
The Honble Col Coursey & Col Addison are Sent to the
House to tell Mr Speaker & the members of the House of
Delegates that the honble Presidt requires them to attend him
in the Council Chamber
Mr Speaker and the members of the House of Delegates
came up to the Council Chamber and Mr Speaker Presented
to the Honble President the following Bills Assented to by
the House of Delegates and this Honble Board.