sd Criminalls & deliver the Goale of the City of Annapolis on
the 27th Instt
The House of Delegates resolve of the 25th of October last
upon Mr Joseph Lamberts petition being considered & debated
This Board do say they cannot concur therewith and there-
fore the said Petition is rejected
Upon the Petition of Susannah Pinkham a Molatto woman
under Sentence of Death for the Murther of a Bastard Child
born of her Body
She being represented by the Honble the Judges of the
Provincial Court as an object of her most Sacred Majestys
royal Clemency as only Convict by the Provision of the Stat-
ute Advised & Resolved that she be reprieved until her
Majestys Pleasure be known therein
Col Smithson and five other members from the House
bring up the following Message Viz
By the House of Delegates
Novemr 3d 1711
We are Sorry your Honours misconstrue our address and
may well be ignorant of your having Commands not to dis-
place any Justice without Cause Shewed to her Majesty you
never having communicated to us the same
We presume her Majesty knows not that any of them are
as well ministerial as Judicial officers nor that the ministerial
office is executed without any oath taken. Certainly if the