An Act prohibiting the Exportation of the Hides of Neat
Cattle, whether Tanned or Untanned, and old Iron, out of
this Province.
Be it Enacted, by the Queen's most excellent Majesty, by
and with the Advice and Consent of her Majesty's President,
Council, and Assembly of this Province, and the Authority of
the same, That if any Person or Persons whatsoever, from and
after the First Day of December (low next ensuing, shall carry
and transport, or cause or endeavour to be carried and trans-
ported out of this Province, by Land or Water, to any other
of her Majesty's Plantations, any Skins or Hides of any Neat
Cattle, Tanned or Untanned, or any old Iron whatsoever, it
shall and may be lawful for any Officer of her Majesty's Cus-
toms to make seizure thereof. And the Master, Merchant, or
Owner of any Ship or Vessel, or other Person, being convict
of Shipping or Lading on board any Ship or Vessel, or trans-
porting by Land out of this Province, any such Hides or old
Iron as aforesaid, shall not only forfeit the same, but also the
Sum of Fifty Pounds Current Money of this Province, to her
most sacred Majesty, her Heirs and Successors; the one Half
thereof towards the defraying the Public Charge of this Prov-
ince, and the other Half to such Person or Persons as shall
inform or sue for the same: To be recovered in any Court
within this Province, by Action of Debt, Bill, Plaint, or In-
formation, wherein no Essoin, Protection or Wager of Law
shall be allowed.
II And for the better Publication of this Act, Be it likewise
Enacted, by the Authority aforesaid, by and with the Advice
and Consent aforesaid, That every Naval Officer and Collec-
tor within this Province, shall procure a fair Copy of this Act,
to be put up at the most public Place within their respective
Offices before or at the aforesaid First Day of December at
farthest; and the said Naval Officers, Collectors, or other Cus-
tom-House Officers of her Majesty's Customs, are hereby
required to have a strict Regard to the due Execution of this
Act; and so far as in them lies, to detect and prosecute, or
cause to be detected and prosecuted, all Offenders against
the Tenor hereof.
Reverdy Ghiselin
Thomas Bacon.