At a Session of Assembly begun and held in the City of
Annapolis in the County of Ann Arundel the 28th day of
October and ended the 15th day of November, in the 11th year
of the Reign of our Sovereign Lady Anne, Queen of Great
Britain, France and Ireland, Defender of the Faith, etc., Annoq.
Domini 1712, were enacted the following Laws.
Edward Lloyd, Esq., President.
An Act restraining Victuallers and Keepers of Public Houses
from entertaining Sailors to the Prejudice of Trade and
Whereas the Masters and Commanders of the several Mer-
chant Ships trading into this Province, and the several Mer-
chants and Traders therein, have represented to this General
Assembly, that several Persons keeping Victualling Houses,
or Public Houses of Entertainment, for Lucre and Gain, do
make it their Practice to draw in and entertain the Seamen
belonging to the several Ships, and give them too great
Credit; not only to the Ruin of them, their Wives and Chil-
dren, but also to the Hinderance of the Ship's Lading, whereby
the Charges of the Ships are greatly augmented, and Trade in
general delayed and discouraged: For the Prevention whereof;
II. Be it Enacted by the Queen's most excellent Majesty,
by and with the Advice and Consent of her Majesty's Presi-
dent, Council, and Assembly of this Province, and the Author-
ity of the same, That if any Victualler, or Keeper of any Public
House, within this Province, shall, after the First Day of
January next, trust any Seafaring Man, Sailor, or Seaman,
(not being an Inhabitant of this Province, and generally resid-
ing in the same) for any Sum or Sums of Money above the
Value of Five Shillings in any Voyage, without Leave or
Licence from the Commander of the Ship or Vessel to which
he belongs, upon Pain of losing their Debt: And if such
Victualler, or other Person keeping a Publick House, shall
take any Bond, Bill, Note, or Bill of Exchange, or any other
Specialty or Obligation for any Debt contracted by any Sailor
or Seaman belonging to any Ship or Vessel, and not being
an Inhabitant as aforesaid, such Bond, Bill, Note, or Bill of
Exchange, or other Specialty, or Obligation, shall be void, and
of no Effect.