any Indians guilty of the breach of such Laws to the Injury of
her Majesty's Subjects shall be delivered up to Justice and
punished in our Courts in the same Manner our People are
for the like Offences
It being represented to this Board that the Priests of the
Romish Communion within this Province contrary to the Laws
thereof marry people not duly published according to Law
nor having obtained Licences therefor
Ordered that the Clerk of this Board write to the said Priests
of the Romish Communion to forbear that Practice and pay
due obedience to the Laws of this Province in that respect
Mr Mariartee and Mr James Lloyd bring up the Bill for the
paymt and assessing the publick Levy Anno 1712 Read in the
House of Delegates the first and second Time and being en-
dorsed will pass sent to the House by Capt Dorsey
The Honble President desiring the Advice of the Board to
what Time they think it most proper to prorogue the Assem-
bly They are pleased to Say they think the tenth day of March
next may be a fit time Least a Governour in chief should ar-
rive with any just Commands from her sacred Majesty before
the Spring
Col Ward & Mr Thomas Brooke bring up the Bill for
paymt & Assessmt of the publick Levy of this Province. As-
sented to by the House of Delegates Which was read and
assented to by this Board and returned to the House by Col
Addison and Col Tilghman