the Western Shoar, and conceiving that as the Assize is only
a Branch of the Provincial Court, and the Trouble in travelling
to the several Counties being much greater than if the Business
was done at the Provincial Court in Annapolis hath hitherto
charged according to the fees allowed by the said Regulation
to the Cryer of the Provincial Court and humbly hopes that
your Excellency and Honours on Consideration will think it
reasonable your Petitioner should be entituled at least to the
same fees as by the said Regulation is allowed to the Cryer
of the Provincial Court, and humbly prays your Excellency
and Honours will be pleased to settle the same accordingly
And Your Petitioner as in Duty bound will ever pray
Upon reading and Considering the said Petition, Ordered
that the Cryers of Assize receive the same fees for Services
done by them, as are allowed to the Cryer of the Provincial
Court in the Table of fees settled by the Right Honourable
the Lord Proprietary in Council 14th Day of April Anno
Domini 1733
To the honourable Samuel Ogle Esqr Governor of Maryland
The humble Petition of John Brannock of Dorchester
Humbly Sheweth
That whereas Edmund Jenings Esqr hath taken Judgment
Bonds for Secretarys fees due from Several of the Inhabitants
of the said County and for the collecting of the same fees put
the said Bonds into the hands of Peter Taylor Sheriff of the
said County and thereupon the said Taylor put the said Bonds
in Suit and recovered Judgments thereon to the great Damage
of your Petitioner and several Others of the same County
whereas in Truth your Pet' tendered the Tobacco unto the said
Taylor being about four hundred, but he by his Under Sheriff
denied to receive the same, but executed your Petitioner for
thirteen hundred twenty One Pounds of Tobacco being the
Cost of the same Suit and Debt, wherefore Your Petitioner
most humbly prays that the said Taylor may be prosecuted for
Extortion for the Great Abuse that is done to the good People
of that County particularly to your Complainant as by the
Accounts of the said Taylor ready to be produced and Evi-
dences to prove the same which is submitted to the Consider-
ation of your Excellency and Council which by the Law of the
Land has a Power to Order such Offenders to be punished as
Your Petitioner conceives and humbly prays
John Brannock