shall kill an Indian that shall Come unpainted and give notice
and Deliver up his Arms as aforesaid he shall die for it as
well as an Indian that shall kill an Englishman and in Case
the Indians and English meet Accidentally in the woods every
Indian shall be bound immediately to throw down his Arms
upon call and move from them and if an Indian meeting an
English man shall refuse to throw down his Arms upon call
as aforesaid he shall be deemed an enemy and treated as such
4thly That the said Chiefs shall never Join with the Nanti-
coke Indians in the Choice of an Emperor or chief or be Sub-
ject in any manner to them nor Shall they Suffer any Indian
Subject to them to carry a Gun without License from his
Excellency the Governor of Maryland and if any Indian shall
be found with a Gun without such License he shall Forfeit his
Gun and be Treated as an Enemy.
5'hly The Priviledge of Crabbing Fowling Hunting and Fish-
ing shall be preserved to the Indians Inviolably.
6thly That every Indian that Killeth or Stealeth an Hogg
Calf, or other Beast or any other goods shall undergo the
same punishment that an Englishman doth for the Like Offence
7thly If any Servants or Slaves Runaway from their Masters
to any of the Indian Towns within the Territories of the said
Chiefs their Subjects shall be Bound to apprehend the said