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Proceedings of the Council of Maryland, 1732:1753
Volume 28, Page 517   View pdf image (33K)
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Proceedings of the Council of Maryland, 1751. 517

his Governor or Commander in Chief of the said Province and
in all other Offices committed to rny Charge by his said Lord-
ships Commission or Commissions to me, and willingly yeild
up the said Commission or Commissions again and all Offices
Powers and Authorities Granted or to be Granted by them or
any of them into the hands of his said Lordship his heirs or
Assigns or to such Person or Persons as he or they shall
appoint whensoever he or they shall appoint me so to do &
shall Signify the same unto me; and will not presume to put
in Execution or Attempt to Execute any office Power or
Authority Granted unto me by any of the said Commissions
after that his said Lordship or his heirs or Assigns Lords and
Proprietaries of the said Province shall repeal them or any of
them respectively and that the said repeals be published in
this Province: I will do equal Right to the Poor and to the
Rich within this Province to the best of my Skill Judgment
and Power according to the Laws & Ordinances of this Prov-
ince and in Default thereof according to my Conscience and
best discretion, and to the Power Granted or to be Granted
unto me by his said Lordships Commission or Commissions :
I will not for fear favour or Affection or any other cause hin-
der or delay Justice to any but will truly execute the said
Office and Offices Respectively according to his Lordships
Commission to me in that behalf and to the true Intent and
meaning thereof and not otherwise to the best of my under-
standing and Judgment: I will not know of any attempt
against his Lordships Person or his Right or Dominion in to
or over the said Province or the People therein but I will
prevent resist or oppose it to the utmost of my Power and
make the same known with all convenient Speed to his said

Lib. C. B.

Lordship and I will in all things from time to time as Occasion
shall require faithfully Council and Advise his said Lordship
according to my heart and Conscience
So help me God

His Excellency the Governor took also the following Oath.

I Samuel Ogle Governor of his Lordships Province of Mary-
land do Solemnly swear that I will do my utmost that Every
the Clauses Matters and things contained in the following
Acts of Parliament of his Majestys Kingdom of Great Britain
Viz. An Act Entituled an Act for the Encouraging & En--
creasing of Shipping and Navagation made in the Twelfth
year of the Reign of King Charles the Second; The Act for
preventing frauds and Regulating abuses in his Majestys
Customs made in the fourteenth year of the said Kings Reign ;
The Act for the Encouragement of Trade made in the fifteenth

p. 451

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Proceedings of the Council of Maryland, 1732:1753
Volume 28, Page 517   View pdf image (33K)
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