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Proceedings of the Council of Maryland, 1732:1753
Volume 28, Page 513   View pdf image (33K)
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Proceedings of the Council of Maryland, 1751. 513

Humbly Sheweth
That at the last Election of Vestrymen for the said Parish
Mr John Beall and Dr David Ross were Elected Vestrymen
and Mr John Row Church warden that Mr Beall offered to
Qualify himself to Act but Dr Ross and Mr Row never appeared
to Qualify themselves and therefore [no objection] was or could
be made to them That the said Mr Beall was objected to because
he was Publickly known to be a Disenter from the Church of
England and therefore could not be Supposed to be a friend to
its Discipline But whether the above Objection be a Legal one

Lib. C. B.

by the Laws in force in this Province is humbly Submitted to
the Decision of your Excellency & Honours Mr Beall not being
Content to bring the Validity & Legality of his Election into
dispute hath taken upon himself to asperse your Petitioner
and the rest of the Vestry with having misapplied the Parish
Money or Tobacco that fell into their hands in General Terms
without mentioning one particular Fact altho often called upon
so to do In View of Slandering your Petitioner (as he appre-
hends) and the rest of the Vestry Your Petitioner therefore
humbly Prays that the said Mr Beall may be ordered to Produce
in writing the Instances of the Misapplication (if any such
have been) He alludes to in his Petition that those who are
Charged may have an Opportunity of Vindicating their Char-
H Addison

Upon reading the aforegoing Petition of several of the
freeholders of King Georges Parish, and the Remonstrance
of the reverend Mr Henry Addison Rector of the said Parish,
It is the Sense of this Board, and It is accordingly ordered
that the Vestrymen of King Georges Parish admit the said
John Beall as a Vestryman of the said Parish on his taking
the Oaths directed by the Acts of Assembly of this Province

7th June 1751

Ordered by his Excellency the Governor that the following
Proclamation issue

Maryland ss.

By his Excellency Samuel Ogle Esqr Governor & Commr
in Chief in and over the Province of Maryland

A Proclamation

Whereas His Majestys Commands have been signifyed to
me by His Grace the Duke of Bedford One of his Majtys prin-
cipal Secretary's of State by his Grace's Letter of the 17th of

P. 446

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Proceedings of the Council of Maryland, 1732:1753
Volume 28, Page 513   View pdf image (33K)
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