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Proceedings of the Council of Maryland, 1732:1753
Volume 28, Page 508   View pdf image (33K)
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508 Proceedings of the Council of Maryland, 1751.

Lib. C. B.

Bond Mr James Mills Mr Philip Clarke Captain James Biscoe
Mr George Bowles Mr John Cartwright and Captain Gilbert
Ireland, Gentlemen Justices by his Lordships Commission of
the Peace in and for the County aforesaid Lawfully Author-
ized and assigned
Richard Ward Key Clk

Robert Chesley Gent.
Among the Records and Proceedings of the said Court was
as follows.

On the Motion of William Jones to this Worshipful Court.
Command was given to the Sheriff of St Marys County that
he Summon Dennis Burne and James Burne of this County
that all Excuses and delays set apart they be and appear before
the Justices of Our County Court to be held at Leonard Town
in the County aforesaid on the first Tuesday in November
then next and bring with them the Children of Solomon Jones
late of the County aforesaid deceased thereof they were not to
fail &c. At which said first Tuesday in November that is to
say now here at this day to wit the Sixth day of the same
Month Anno Domini 1750 being the day of the said Summons
Comes as well the said William Jones by Thomas Clark his
Attorney as the said Sheriff of St Marys County to whom the
same was directed who makes return thereof Endorsed, Sum-
moned p Robert Chesley Sheriff, And the said Dennis Burne
and James Burne by Jeremiah Chase their Attorney came and
defended the force and Injury when and So forth and produce

p. 441

to the Court here the Copies of two following Wills.
In the Name of God. I Solomon Jones of St Marys County
in the Province of Maryland being Weak but of Sound and
Perfect Memory thanks be to God, and being willing to
Settle what worldly Estate it hath Pleased God to bestow upon
me Do make and Ordain this my last will and Testament,
first I give my Soul to Almighty God who gave it hoping
by the Merits of my blessed Saviour to obtain full Remission
of my Sins, and my Body to be Buried at the discretion of
my Execrs hereafter Named, first I give and bequeath unto
my beloved Wife Catherine one third part of all my Lands
during her natural Life and one third part of all my Personal
Estate as her Proper right for ever I give and bequeath unto
my Son James one Horse Saddle & Bridle the Horse to be a
likely Horse of four years old and the Saddle & bridle of fifty
Shillings Price and that to be his full part of my Personal
Estate, My desire is that all the Remainder of my Personal
Estate be equally divided amongst my other Children,
Margaret, Monica, Solomon, Walter, and if my wife is now
with Child, that to have, an equal part with them and my Will

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Proceedings of the Council of Maryland, 1732:1753
Volume 28, Page 508   View pdf image (33K)
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