p. 436
Dorchester County, he had not sent down the Dead Warrants
for John Mackmical and Negro Sharper; Which Letter being
read, and It appearing thereby that the Commrs under the said
Commission met and published the same on the first day of
February last, and then adjourned 'till the Eleventh Day of
the same Month, Which Adjournment It is the Opinion of this
Board was irregular, for that the Commrs ought only to have
adjourned from Day to Day, so that all the Proceedings under
the said Commission are erroneous; It is therefore ordered
that the Clerk of the Provincial Court issue a Habeas Corpus
directed to the Sheriff of Dorchester County to bring up the
Bodies of John MacMichael & Negro Sharper now in his
Custody detained in order to receive their Tryals at the next
Provincial Court, and likewise that he send an Order directed
to some of the Magistrates of the said County to bind over all
the Witnesses to attend at the said Court to give Evidence
against the said John McMichal and the said Negro Sharper.
Ordered by his Excellency the Governor that the following
Instructions be Entered.
Additional Orders and Instructions Powers and Authorities
to be observed and pursued by Our Welbeloved Thomas
Bladen Esqr Our Lieutenant Governor of our Province of
C. B.
As nothing can be more certain than that a due Weight
and Authority is necessary in all Governments,
I must require you to be very careful not to give your
Assent to any Law, or do any other Act that may in any man-
ner weaken the Power and Authority of the Government of
Maryland the due Support of which is as necessary for the
welfare & Prosperity of the People in General, as for my own
particular Interest, whatever Mistaken or popular Notion may
be advanced upon this head.