Proceedings of the Council of Maryland, 1750/ 51 . 499
Albany, the first week in June next; in hopes of Confirming
them in the British Interest, and defeating the Intrigues of the
French, who of late have been very Active among them, and,
by the large quantities of Goods they have distributed to the
Several Nations, may have rendered their Fidelity to the
English very Precarious
The Expence this Government hath continually Supported
to preserve the Indians in a good disposition towards us, has
been very burthensome, and the great Pains the French are
taking to Seduce them, will greatly Increase this Charge,
which any Single Colony will be unable to bear, If the other
Colonies should Neglect Joyning therein, it may give our
Rivals the Advantage they have been long Labouring to
Obtain, over the English Governments, and in the end be a
means of our losing the Indians, and with them a very valua-
ble Branch of Trade; Besides the Calamities we may have
Reason to fear, from their going over to the French, which
are too Obvious to need mentioning The present Wavering
Disposition of the Indians may in a Great measure be imputed
to their dread of the French which will ever Influence their
Lib. C. B.
Conduct, as long as the Colonies remain disunited in their
measures, But if they see we are united and Resolved here-
after to Act in Conjunction, their fears will disperse, and they
may easily be brought to look with Contempt on what they
before dreaded, Seeing they might then rely on a Powerful
Assistance from us, if the French should Attack them: And
as nothing can more tend to his Majestys Service, and the
Welfare & Safety of his Provinces, than this Union of Councils
amongst the Several Governors upon Indian affairs; I now
Communicate my thoughts on this head, to all the Governors
of the British Colonies upon the Main of America, In hopes
that they will See the Necessity of establishing such an Union,
and if they cannot attend the Treaty at Albany in Person, then
to send Commissioners to concert and conclude on the Neces-
sary Measures, to be taken on this important occasion; assuring
myself they will Come furnished with Proper Presents, to be
distributed among the Indians at this Meeting, At which I
flatter myself with your Assistance or that of Commissioners
from your Government
If this Proposal of an Interview between the Several Gov-
ernors, or Commissioners representing them, be Approved of,
and they meet accordingly, it will I conceive be very Proper
they should Examine into, and draw up a State of the Indian
Affairs, to be laid before his Majesty; and at the same time
Consider, whether it would not be a Proper Step, to agree on
a Representation to the Governor General of Canada, touching
the Conduct of some of the Governors and Officers under
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