p. 420
Ordered that the Clerk of this Board draw an Order on the
honble Col Charles Hammond Treasurer of the Western
Shoar payable to Mr Henry Walls or Order for Twenty five
Pounds Sterling being his years Salary as Armourer of this
Province ending the 29th of September last to be paid out of
the Duty of 3d p hhd for Arms &c.
His Excellency is pleased to lay before this Board the fol-
lowing Letter of Governor Hamiltons, and the Papers therein
mentioned relating to the Indians
From the inclosed Papers containing Copies of Messages
delivered to me in behalf of his Majestys Governors, from the
Ohio Indians, and their Allies, you will See Plainly the Neces-
sity of turning your Attention to what is doing in that Part
of the world
You cannot be insensible that the Six Nations have of late
left their old Habitations and Settled on the Branches of the
Mississippi and are become more Numerous there than in the
Countrys they Left at which both the French and the Council
at Onondago are not a little allarmed.
If my Information be true, and I have it from Persons of
undoubted Credit, these Refugees of the Six Nations (If I
may use the term) the Shawones and Delawares, with their