their Governments and particularly the Ships Prosperity &
Sally taken upon the Coast of Virginia in North America, &
likewise that I should assist to the utmost of my Power all his
Majestys Subjects who may have any Claims on this Occasion
I have therefore thought fit, with the Advice of his Lordships
Council of State to issue this my Proclamation notifying the
same and strictly charging and requiring the several Sheriffs
of this Province at the most publick Places in their respective
Counties the same immediately to publish and proclaim in the
usual manner as they will answer the Contrary at their Peril.
Given at the City of Annapolis this first Day of February in
the 35th year of his Lordships Dominion Annoq Domini 1749.
At a Council held at the House of his Excellency the Gov-
ernor in the City of Annapolis on Saturday the 3d Day of
February in the 35th year of His Lordships Dominion Annoq
Domini 1749
His Excellency Samuel Ogle Esqr Governor
Benjamin Tasker Esqrl Daniel Dulany Esqr
The honourable Edmund Jenings Esqr | Benedict Calvert Esq
Ordered by His Excellency the Governor with the Advice
of this Board that the Present General Assembly of this Prov-
ince which stands prorogued to the second Tuesday of this
Instant February be further prorogued to the first Tuesday in
March next being the 6th Day of the same Month and Proc-
lamations issued accordingly
At a Council held at the House of his Excellency the Gov-
ernor in the City of Annapolis on Wednesday the 2Ist Day
of February in the 35th year of his Lordships Dominion Annoq
Domini 1749
His Excellency Samuel Ogle Esqr Governor.