p. 394
1694. Francis Nicholson Esqr being then Governor an Act
was made giving three pence p Ton on Tonnage of all Trad-
ing Vessels (Except such as belonged to the Inhabitants) to
the Governor which was made Perpetual in the year 1704.
Colonel Seymour being Governor 1704, A perpetual Law
was made (tbe Government of the Province being then imme-
diately in the Crown) to raise twelve Pence p hhd upon
Tobacco for the Support of Government which is the only one
now in being
1704. By an Act made in that year, Impositions of three
pence p Gallon on Rum, Wine, Brandy, & Spirits Imported
(except from England) Twenty Shillings p Pott on Negroes
and Twenty Shillings p Poll on Irish Servants were Laid which
duties have hitherto been Continued by Subsequent Acts
Excepting on Irish Servants being Protestants and also Ves-
sells wholly Owned by the Inhabitants of this Province from
paying the said Impositions.
1704 A Perpetual Law for Laying a duty of twelve pence
Current Money for every hundred weight of dryed Beef and
Bacon and a duty of Twelve pence p Barrell for every Barrell
of Pork & Beef undryed Exported by any Persons not Inhabi-
tants of this Province which duty is Applyed to the Maintaining
a free School.
1715 An Act was then passed for Laying an Additional
duty of Twenty Shillings p poll on Irish Servants being
Papists to prevent the Importation of too Great a number of
them into this Province and an Additional duty of two Shillings
Currency p Poll on Negroes Imported for Raising a fund to