More being the Commanding Officer of that Port, and whilst
they were there Captain Davison seeing two young Negro
boy Slaves waiting or serving wine asked Captain More if he
would sell either one or both of the boys to which Captain
More by his Interpreter answered that he would not sell any
to the English, That after Captain Davison went from the said
Captain Mores the same day the said Interpreter took Captain
Davison aside and had some discourse with him Part of which
this Examinant heard to be that the said Interpreter had some
Negroes which this Examinant understood to be three or more
but that they were at his Mothers and he would send for them
That this Examinant with the said Davison went on board &
Returned the next day which was the Sixth day of March and
were again entertained by the said Captain More and the said
Lib. C. B.
Davison demanded his money from Captain More for Goods
Davison had sold to him the Day before, that after parting
with the said Captain More the said Davison having some
Goods on Shoar to Purchase fresh Provisions he by means of
the said Interpreter bought some, and then Davison went again
to Captain More for his money and Returning to the Shoar
where this Examinant with the Carpenter were on the Beach,
the said Davison asked the said Interpreter if the said Negroes
were come to which the said Interpreter answered they would
Come soon, and then it was after sunsett thereupon Captain
Davison was going on board and this Examinant was desirous
of going with him but Captain Davison Requested this Ex-
aminant to stay untill the Interpreter should bring three Slaves
thereupon this Examinant staid and the Captain went on
board and sent his Boat back, on the Return of which Boat
the Examinant went on board of her in order to go on board
of the Ship and had Actually put off with the Boat from the
Shoar (being about two hours after Sunsett) but being at some
small distance from the Shoar the said Interpreter haled the
Boat upon which the Boat Returned to the Shoar and the In-
terpreter brought the three Negroes who together with the
said Interpreter went with this Examinant on Board, That this
Examinant had heard at the Isle of May and which this Ex-
aminant verily believes Captain Davison also knew for this
Examinant frequently mentioned it before to Captain Davison
that there was some Law or Canon of the Church as well at
the Isle of May as St lago against selling any Slave to Heret-
icks and therefore when the said three Negroes were brought
as aforesaid on board This Examinant took Notice to Captain
Davison of such a Law or Canon, That Captain Davison
having agreed with the said Interpreter for the said Negroes
in Money and Goods the said Interpreter took the Money
and Left the Goods on board untill he should Return with
p. 375