lencys much Obliged and Obedient humble Servants
Gabriel Parker Peter Hellen John Clare William Ireland
Jas Duke Stutton Isaack John Smith Young Parran
James Weems Thomas Ireland junr
Some of the Justices of the said County as Likewise Mr
Harrison Attending this day in pursuance of a former Order
of this Board and the aforegoing Remonstrance being read
and Several Witnesses Examined as well to make good the
Matters contained therein as Also on behalf of Mr Harrison
and Mr Harrison being Likewise heard by his Council, And
upon considering the said Remonstrance and Depositions as
also the Arguements of the Council It is the Opinion of this
Board that the said Mr Harrison ought to be displaced from
his Office as Clerk of Calvert County Court: It is therefore
recommended to the honourable the Secretary to displace him
Read the following Petition
To His Excellency Samuel Ogle Eeqr Governor and Com-
mander in Chief in and Over the Province of Maryland And
to the Honourable his Lordships Council
The Humble Petition of the Subscribers
Most Humbly Sheweth
That Your Petitioners Inhabitants of Coventry Parish Part
whereof Lyes in Somerset County and part in Worcester
County being all Professors of the Church of England as by
Law Established, (and desirous of hearing divine Service
Performed and Sermons Preached for their Edification as
becomes Christians) are nevertheless debarred thereof by
means of Captain John Williams Captain John Dennis Cap-
tain Sampson Wheatly Mr Samuel Adams and Mr William
Duett Vestrymen and Mr Collins Adams and Mr William
Smith Church wardens of said Parish denying your Petitioners
the Liberty of the Church and Chappie of Ease for that pur-
pose Provided by the Parishioners Contrary as your Petitioners