What Quantity and Sorts of British Manufactures do the
Inhabitants annually take from hence ?
What Trade has the Province under your Government,
with any foreign Plantations or any Part of Europe besides
Great Britain ? How is that Trade Carried on ? what Com-
modities do the People under your Government send to, or
Receive from foreign Plantations?
What Methods are there used to Prevent Illegal Trade,
and are the same Effectual ?
What is the Natural Produce of the Country, Staple Com-
modities and Manufactures besides Tobacco? and what Value
thereof in Sterling Money May you annually Export?
What Mines are there ?
What is the Number of the Inhabitants Whites and Blacks?
Are the Inhabitants Increased or decreased within the last
Ten years, how much, and for what Reasons ?
What is the Number of the Militia?
What Forts and Places of Defence are there within your
Government & in what Condition ?
What number of Indians have you, and how are they In-
What is the Strength of the Neighbouring Indians?
What is the strength of your Neighbouring Europeans,
French or Spaniards?
What Effect have the French or Spanish Settlements on the
Continent of America, upon his Majesty's Plantations, Es-
pecially on your Province?
What is the Revenue arising within your Government, and
how is it Appropriated ?
What are the Ordinary & Extraordinary Expences of your
Lib. C. B.
What are the Establishments Civil and Military within your
Government, and by what Authority do the Officers hold
their Places ?
Upon reading and considering the aforegoing Letters and
Queries and in Order to enable his Excellency to make as
exact an Answer thereto as possible It is Ordered that the
Clerk of this Board send to the Colonels of the several Coun-
ties, and also to the Sheriffs the following Orders which were
sent accordingly
By the Governor and Council
21 December 1748
In Obedience to his Majestys Commands signifyed to the
Governor by the Lords Commissioners for Trade and Planta-
p. 352