His Excellency is pleased to lay before this Board the fol-
lowing Letters.
Whitehall June 8th 1748
Inclosed We send you a Printed Copy of An Act Passed
here in the last Session of Parliament for encouraging the
making of Indico in the British Plantations in America which
We hope will Promote the Cultivation of this Valuable Com-
modity in all his Majesty's Colonies where the same is, or
may be Produced
If therefore there now are or hereafter shall be any Planta-
tions of Indico, within the Province under your Government,
We recommend it to your Particular Care, that the Several
Provisions of this Act be honestly and Punctually complied
with; and you are to Transmit to Us an Account of the said
Plantations, the Names of the Planters, with the Quantity of
Indico they make, as also the Quantity of such Indico Exported,
distinguishing the time when, and the Port where Shipped,
the Names of the Vessels, and the Ports to which bound
And if there be any foreign Indico imported into your
Provinre you are also to transmit to Us, an Account of such
foreign Indico Imported, distinguishing the Quantity, and the
time when imported, together with an Account of such Indico
Exported, distinguishing the time when and the Port where
Shipped, the Names of the Vessells and the Ports to which
These Accounts you are desired to send Regularly every
six Months, that We may be as exactly Informed, as the Nature
of the thing will Admit; of every Increase or decrease of the
p. 349