several Persons, is pleased to lay the same before the Board,
which being read His Excellency is pleased with the Advice
of this Board to approve of several, and to order Commissions
to be filled up accordingly
31st October 1748
Ordered by his Excellency the Governor that the following
Proclamation issue
By his Excellency Samuel Ogle Esqr Governor & Com-
mandr in Chief in and over the Province of
A Proclamation
Whereas the present General Assembly of this Province
stands prorogued to the second Saturday in November next
being the 12th day of the same Month, And Whereas there
is no Business of Moment which requires their Attendance at
that time, I have therefore thought fit with the Advice of his
Lordps Council of State to dissolve the said Assembly And I
do hereby dissolve the same; And to the Intent that All Per-
sons concerned may have due Notice thereof I do hereby
strictly charge and require the Sheriffs of the several Counties
in this Province to make this my Proclamation publick in their
said Counties in the usual manner as they will answer the
Contrary at their Peril Given at the City of Annapolis this
31st Day of October in the 34th year of his Lordships Domin-
ion Annoq Domini 1748