And to Prevent all Occasions of Complaints and Disputes
which might arise upon Account of Ships Merchandizes and
other Effects, which might be taken at Sea; it hath been also
Mutually Agreed that such Ships Merchandizes and Effects
as should be taken in the Channel and in the North Seas after
the Space of Twelve Days, to be Computed from the said
Lib. C. B.
Nineteenth day of April last, on which Day the said Prelimina-
ries were Signed; And that all Ships Merchandizes and Effects
which should be taken after Six weeks from the said Nine-
teenth day of April beyond the Channel, the British Seas and
the North Seas, as far as Cape Saint Vincent; and for the
Space of Six weeks more beyond the said Cape to the Equi-
noctial Line, whether in the Ocean or Mediterranean; and for
the Space of Six Months from the said Nineteenth day of
April beyond the said Equinoctial Line, or Equator and in all
other Places of the world, without any Exception or other
more particular distinction of Time or Place should be Restored
on both Sides.
And whereas Pursuant to such agreement, Hostilities have
Ceased in the Low Countries, in such manner as was agreed
upon by the said Preliminaries,
We have thought fit, by and with the Advice of Our Privy
Council to notify the same to all Our Loving Subjects; And
we do Declare, that our Royal will and Pleasure is, and we do
hereby Strictly Charge and Command all our Officers both at
Sea and Land, and all other Our Subjects whatsoever to for-
bear all Acts of hostility, either by Sea or Land against his
most Christian Majesty his Vassals or Subjects, from & after
the Respective times above mentioned and under the Penalty
of incurring our highest displeasure
Given at Our Court at St James's the fifth Day of May in the
Twenty first year of our Reign , and in the year of our Lord 1748.
God Save the King
The said Proclamation and Letter being read It is the Opinion
of this Board that his Excellency be pleased to cause Proclama-
tions to be immediately sent to the several Counties with a Copy
of his Majestys Proclamation annexed thereto, which were
ordered by the Governor and issued in the following Words.
p. 341