most of the People have Readily paid and several others have Lib. c. B.
sent what money they owed by some of their Neighbours to
be paid to the Receivers which money has not been always
paid, sometimes Lists (which the People call Black lists) have
been Delivered to the Sheriffs of arrears of Rents due and
when such Lists have been so Delivered, the Sheriffs have not
only Charged the People a Commission of Ten p Cent for
Receiving the Money but also a fee of 168 pounds of Tobacco,
till Lately it has been reduced to 126 or 15 Shillings Altho
the Money has been Paid them and they never made any
Distress; This has been Submitted to by Several because they
did not know but that the demand was Iust, and if otherwise
they knew not how to obtain any Relief without Puting them-
selves to a greater expence in seeking such Relief than the fees
and ten p Cent were worth
But of Late these particulars have been carried to so great
a length that it has made a great many People Resolve to
Leave their habitations and the Province, rather than to sub-
mit to such Impositions (as they have been lately informed
they were) and Several are actually gone, and others Intend
to follow as soon as they can dispose of what they have at
any rate: The Present Sheriff having one of these Black Lists
on or about the eighth day of March last past, an under
Sheriff Summoned the Persons to attend the high Sheriff at
Frederick Town, which they accordingly did, and Paid down
all that was Demanded of them together with Ten p Cent
(except Stephen Ranspergen who did not Pay the ten p
Cent) and every one of them Paid fifteen shillings to the
Sheriff, for what he called his fee, or Past a note for one hun-
dred and Twenty six Pounds of Tobacco, but not one of them