them, but that they would act in Consequence of the Order of
Court; And We are since informed they have actually con-
tracted for the whole hundred thousand
Therefore your Petitioners thought it their Duty to lay the
facts abovementioned before this honourable Board, & humbly
pray that you will please to take the same into your Consider-
ation, and therein do, as Your Wisdom and Goodness shall
direct And your Petitioners as in Duty bound shall ever pray
Signed Richard Snowden
& Sixty five Others
The aforegoing Petition being considered, the following
Endorsement is ordered to be made thereon.
The Within Petition having been read, and the Account of
the Levy not being transmitted to the Governor and Council
as the Act of Assembly directs, the Account cannot be now
inspected, nor the Petition further considered.
At a Council held in the Council Chamber on Tuesday the
31st Day of May in the 34th year of his Lordships Domin-
ion Annoq Domini 1748.