The Clerk of the Council lays before this Board an Order
of his drawn by Order of the Governor and Council of the
26th of february last payable, out of the 3d p hhd for Arms
lodged in Mr Hydes hands by the late Col Young to Mr Richard
Tootell or his Order for 54: 05: 8 Sterling and which said
Order Mr Hyde did not pay, but answered " that he would
"pay the said Bill as soon as he had Advice that the Drawer
"had Directions to draw such Order by Directions of the
"Governor & Council" Which Answer not being satisfactory,
the said Order was protested and delivered to the Clerk of
this Board by Charles Carrol Esqr to whom the same was
Endorsed, in Order to be renewed
Ordered that the Clerk of this Board renew the same with
the Damages payable to Charles Carrol Esqr by an Order on
Mr Hyde payable out of the Duty of 3d p hhd for Arms lodged
in his hands by Saml Young Esqr ate Treasurer of the Western
Shoar, and that he write to Mr Hyde the following Letter
20 Novemr 1745
The Bill of 54: 05: 8 payable to Richard Tootell which I
drew on you by Order of the Governor and Council being re-
turned protested I am directed by that Board to inform you,
They could not suppose you was unacquainted with my hand
Writing since I have drawn several Bills on you by their Direc-
tions payable out of the Monies in your hands in the Disposal
of the Governor and Council, and therefore they were sur-
prized you gave an Opportunity to protest that Bill, which
must be attended with an Additional Expence to the Publick
it charged to that fund, and perhaps with some Reflection on
the Governor and Council, especially as that Bill has fallen
into the hands of Pensilvanians
P. 249