Errors Excepted 20 Novemr 1 744
John Galloway
Ordered that the Clerk of this Board draw an Order on
Mr Saml Hyde Merchant in London payable to his Excellency
Thomas Bladen Esqr or Order for the sum of Sixty Pounds
Sterling, out of the Duty of three pence p hhd for Arms lodged
in his the said Hydes hands by Samuel Young Esqr late
Treasurer of the Western Shoar; and which said Sum of Sixty
Pounds Sterling was advanced by his Excellency to John
Galloway then of Philad Merchant for the Purchase of Goods
for the Indians as appears by the preceeding Account.
Ordered that the Clerk of this Board pay to Mr Richard
£ s d
Tootell the Ballance of the above Account being 9:04: 9
Philad Paper Money, which amounts to 5: 14: 4 Sterling in
Part of his Salary as Armourer of this Province, and It is also