he is in no favour at all with them, according to what I heard
they look upon him as a Man that either wants Wit or Honesty
because for his ill Management last Summer in endeavouring
to buy Land of the Warriors (these were their own Words to
me) As for perswading their Chiefs to come to Patowmeck to
treat there, I don't think it adviseable to mention One Syllable
to them of it because they think the Governor of Virginia or
his Deputies ought to meet them, and not they him, because
the Virginians broke the Peace and gave the Offence, and
ever have given it, as they say they circumstantially informed
Governor Thomas and they do insist upon the Particulars
mentioned in that Narrative taken at Shomakin by me from
the Mouth of Shikellimo and Saghsidowa in Council
I expect Shikellimo to return by the middle of April with
full Powers to conclude upon the Place for holding the Treaty,
& shall immediately upon his Return dispatch a Messenger
to Annapolis with an Accot of the Answer he brings from the
Six Nations.
This being all the necessary that occurrs at present I re-
main Sir
Your very humble Servant
Phila 9 March 1742/3 Conrade Weiser
To Col Gale
Philada 10 March 1742
I apprehend by Yours of yesterday and the Conversation I
have had with you that you think the Indians of the Six
Nations are very desirous to make a Treaty of Friendship
with the Governor of Maryland, and that the Difference which
lately happened in Virginia will be no Obstruction to it
I further apprehend the Indians have nothing near so
favourable Sentiments concerning the Virginians as they have
of the People of Maryland, and that they do not care to come
near Virginia till a Peace be made with the Governor of that