284 Proceedings of the Council of Maryland, 1742.
Lib. C. B.
prorogued to the seventh day of September next be further
prorogued to the 2 Ist Day of the same Month, and Proclama-
tions issued accordingly
At a Council held in the Council Chamber at the City of
Annapolis on Saturday the twenty fifth day of September in
the 28th year of his Lordships Dominion Annoq Domini 1742
P. 177
His Excellency Thomas Bladen Esqr Governor
The honble
Benjamin Tasker Esqr
Philip Lee Esqr
George Plater Esqr
Edmund Jenings Esqr
Col James Hollyday
Col Charles Hammond
Col James Harris
Philip Thomas Esqr
His Excellency acquaints the Board that He had appointed
Daniel Dulany Esqr a Member of his Lordships Council, and
that He now attends in order to be qualified
Whereupon the said Daniel Dulany Esqr takes the Oaths
to the Government appointed to be taken by Act of Assembly,
& likewise the Oath of a Councillor, and subscribes the Abju-
ration and Test, and takes his Place at the Board accordingly
At a Council held in the Council Chamber on Tuesday 7th
day of October in the 28th year of his Lordships Dominion
Annoq Domini 1742
His Excellency Thomas Bladen Esqr Governor
The honble
Benjamin Tasker Esqr
George Plater Esqr
Edmund Jenings Esqr
Col James Hollyday
Col Charles Hammond
Col James Harris
Saml Chamberlain Esqr
Philip Thomas Esqr
Daniel Dulany Esqr
Upon reading and considering the Petitions of the Revd
Mr John Lang Rector of St James's Parish in Ann Arundel
County & the Answers of the said Vestry thereto, and what
has been alledged on Each Side; This Board judging that
P. 178
some other Expedient, rather than a Decision on the Point in
Question might be more likely to reconcile the Incumbent and
Vestry; They for that purpose think proper to recommend to
the Vestry, As It is really a Matter of Justice & Compassion,
to make Mr Lang a reasonable Satisfaction out of the Tobacco
in Question, for what He has expended or is lyable to pay on
Account of any such Buildings and Improvements as He has