Lib. C. B.
said Borders, And as a Means to preserve Peace and Tran-
quillity on the said Borders, His Majesty doth hereby enjoyn
the said Governors that they do not make Grants of any Part
of the Lands in Contest between the Proprietors respectively
nor of any Part of the three Lower Counties commonly called
Newcastle Kent and Sussex, nor permit any Person to settle
there or even to attempt to make a Settlement thereon till his
Majestys Pleasure shall be further signified. And his Majesty
is further pleased to direct that this Order together with Du-
plicates thereof be delivered to the Proprietors of the said
Provinces who are hereby required to transmit the same forth-
with to the Governors of the said respective Provinces
That since the issuing the said Order Your Majesty hath
been pleased to refer unto this Committee an Address of the
Deputy Governor and of the Upper and Lower Houses of
Assembly of the Province of Maryland relatiing to a Continu-
ance of the said disorders, and also two Petitons the One in
the Name of John, Thomas and Richard Penn Esqrs Proprietors
of the Province of Pensilvania — praying your Majestys further
Pleasure may be signifyed relating to your Majestys aforecited
Order in Council of the 18th of August 1737 and the other in
the Name of the Agent of the said Province of Pensilvania
complaining of fresh Disorders committed by the Inhabitants
of Maryland against those of Pensilvania Whereupon the
Lords of the Committee did on the 23d of February last pro-
ceed to take all the Papers relating to the Complaints made
by Each of the said Provinces into their Consideration and
p. 6
were attended by Council on both Sides and likewise by the
Proprietors of the said Provinces And the Council desiring
that reasonable Time might be allowed the Prop" to confer
together in Order to come to some Agreement amongst them-
selves that so the Peace and Tranquillity of both Provinces
may be preserved until such time as the Boundaries can be
finally settled. The Lords of the Committee thought proper
to comply with such their Request And being again this Day
attended by all Parties the Council acquainted the Committee
that the Proprietors of Each province had accordingly met and
agreed to the following Propositions Viz.
Ist That so much of his Majestys Order in Council of the
18th of August 1737 as orders — That the Governors of the
respective Provinces of Maryland and Pensilvania for the time
being do not upon Pain of incurring his Majestys highest Dis-
pleasure permit or suffer any Tumults Riots or other Outragious
Disorders to be committed on the Borders of their respective
Provinces but that they do immediately put a Stop thereto and
use their utmost Endeavours to preserve Peace and Good