Proceedings of the Council of Maryland, 1738. 143
to fill up such Vacancys, until Our further Pleasure be known,
and likewise to put any Place or Places into Commission
Signed and sealed this 12th Day of October in the 21 year
of Our Dominion
By Command of his Lordship
Signed by William Janssen Secry
Ordered that Proclamations issue bearing Date of the first
Day of October next further to prorogue the Assembly to the
first Tuesday in May following, and it is likewise Ordered that
Proclamations issue to dissolve this present General Assembly,
and that the said Proclamations bear Date 20th of October
next; And It is the humble Advice of this Board to his Excel-
lency that he be pleased to order Writts of Election, bearing
Date 25th of the said Month of October, to issue, to call a new
Assembly returnable to the 8th Day of December following.
Lib. M.
At a Council held at the House of his Excellency the Gov-
ernor in the City of Annapolis on Tuesday the Seventeenth
Day of October in the Twenty fourth Year of his Lordships
Dominion Annoq Domini 1738.
His Excellency Samuel Ogle Esqr Governor.
Lib. C. B.
P. 1
The honble
Col Richard Tilghmanl
Col Matt. Tilgh: Ward
Benjamin Tasker Esqr
Edmund Jenings Esqr
James Hollyday Esqr
Col Charles Hammond.
His Excellency having laid before this Board a Letter he
received from William Janssen Esqr his Lordships Secretary in
London dated wherein he mentions that he had sent
another Letter dated with the Copy of the Articles of
Agreement entered into between the Right honourable the
Lord Proprietary of this Province, and the honble the Pro-
prietors of Pensilvania; which Letter his Excellency informs
this Board, he has not yet received; It is therefore the
Opinion and Advice of this Board that his Excellency be
pleased to delay the Execution of the said Articles for some
time; until he shall receive the abovementioned Letter.
At a Council held at the House of his Excellency the Gov-
ernor in the City of Annapolis on Wednesday the 18th Day of
October in the twenty fourth year of his Lordships Dominion
Annoq Domini 1738.