Lib. M,
apprehending several Others; And for your Excellencys and
the honourable Council's Satisfaction have annexed a Copy of
the Prisoners Names set forth by your Proclamation; And We
humbly beg and pray that it may fall under your immediate
Consideration, a Compliance wherein will infinitely oblige
your humble Petitioners with rest of the Company to pray
Jos: Perry. Charles Higginbotham
Upon considering of which Petition, and forasmuch as it
appears to this Board that the said Charles Higginbotham
Joseph Peery and others in Company with them who are
Inhabitants on the West side of Sesquehannah River have in
pursuance of a Proclamation issued from this Board bearing
Date 21" October 1736 apprehended Michael Tanner Charles
Jones Jacob Welshoffer Henrick Baun Conrade Stricklaer
George Phlager Nicholas Butchiere Henry Lephart Joshua
Minshul Francis Worley Nicholas Birij Balthazar Shambarriere
Mark Evans Adam Byard Jacob Grabill Tobias Henricks
Michael Wallack Leonard Immel Dennis Myer Christian
Lowe Jacob Seglear and Conrade Low mentioned in the
said Proclamation; It is therefore the humble Advice of
this Board to his Excellency that he be pleased to direct the
Sum of pounds to be paid to the said Charles Higgin-
botham Joseph Perry and Others who were aiding and assist-
ing to them in apprehending and securing the aforementioned
And Whereon the said Charles Higginbotham Joseph Perry
and their Assistants have taken several other Persons notori-
ous Disturbers of the Publick Peace, for whom they are not
entituled to any Reward, yet as an Encouragement to such as
do their Duty in the service of the Government, We recom-
mend it to his Excellency to make them a further Allowance
for the same as soon as the other just Debts of the Govern-
ment will leave Room for Acts of Favour.
Upon Consideration of the several late Violences and Dis-
turbances on the Borders of this Province, This Board is of
Opinion and doth accordingly order and direct Mr Attorney
General to prosecute at Law the several Actors in, Aiders
and Abetters of such Disturbances according as the Nature of
their several Offences require